Information for parents

As a parent or carer you play a very important role in safeguarding your child from harm and helping them get the best from sport.

The information you provide and the example you set can give them the knowledge and confidence needed to deal with threatening or abusive situations.

It’s your right as a parent to be able to check how well a sports club is run, for the sake of your child’s safety and your peace of mind.

Parental behaviour

Listening and talking to your child, teaching them about personal safety and setting the right example will help to keep your child safe while playing sports.

Questions to ask

Club safety checks provide you with useful questions to ask when choosing a sports club for your child. We also give advice on how your involvement in a club can make it more safe.

Concerning behaviour

Be alert to any danger signals and get help if you suspect a child may be vulnerable to abuse.

Resources for parents and carers

If you are worried that a child is being abused or put at risk during sports activities, it is vital that you tell someone. Find out how to get help

The above information is provided by the Child Protection in Sport Unit